Just do Reiki? No. And Yes.

Massage therapists, chiropractors, physical therapists... indeed all body workers sometimes run into situations where injury has traumatized the body such that, at the moment, physical manipulation would be painful, and in some instances detrimental. What do you do? If the practitioner is attuned, should he or she simply apply Reiki?

Yes. Definitely yes.  Johnny-on-the-spot, as soon as you can. The sooner you apply Reiki, the better.

Before the body has adjusted itself to a traumatic state, Reiki can bring balance back to the fore, reducing the need for swelling, for example, hence reducing swelling or altogether eliminating it.

Reiki sets the stage overall for the body to heal itself very quickly. After the treatment, advise your client to drink plenty of water, take it easy and get Reiki treatments once or twice a week (daily if s/he does Reiki and/or has a friend who does Reiki). I've witnessed what appeared to be serious injuries heal overnight and some fractures in a matter of weeks. I've watched burns disappear. To get "miraculous" results like this, however, you must apply Reiki immediately.

Not always a quick fix, Reiki quite often does the whole job, nonetheless, whether applied immediately or some time after the fact.

1. Sometimes you can't get to it immediately.
2. Reiki applied correctly takes time and patience (i.e., a burn or a back injury could take up to 30 minutes of hands-on reiki.)

What if you can't get to an injury right away? Reiki can still work on the primary area, as well as within secondary areas (the full effect of trauma is often unknown).  So yes. As soon as you can, right away.

Reiki sets up energies in the body (and the mind) in such a way as to greatly facilitate the body's ability to heal. Reiki sets things in motion: relaxing muscles, healing soft tissue, rebuilding bones, aiding the immune system, increasing endorphins (hence reducing -- sometimes eliminating -- pain.... As Reiki directly affects the entire body-mind-system (NIH classifies Reiki as "bio-plasma therapy"), you could even call Reiki your primary modality and massage or chiropractic complementary! Imagine that!

So... Why did I say "no" to  "Just Do the Reiki" ?

I must confess, it was in a reaction, in jest, to the word "just." Since Reiki is always just (it is Life Energy, after all), and though it's seemingly simple, Reiki is never a "just this" kind of thing. Bringing balance and wholeness to the entire body-mind-spirit system, Reiki is far reaching in its effect.

I have personally worked in tandem with practitioners of many modalities, applying Reiki while other treatments were administered, before the other treatment and after, all with amazing results. It's especially nice to see Reiki effects before and after chiropractic, massage and physical therapy. Here's why:

Reiki easily sets the stage for massage, physical therapy and/or chiropractic, whether there has been recent trauma to the body or not. Reiki can be applied after massage or chiropractic adjustments, to encourage the body to accept right placement of muscles, tissues and bones.

Which is better? Before or after?

Either. Or both. Preferably both. Ideally, physical manipulation is best complemented by Reiki before: to ready the body, mind, and spirit for manipulation, then after: to help the body adjust to the "new normal" state. If there is not enough time for Reiki before and after, kinesiology testing can guide you in choosing the most effective order of treatments. Or you can ask the client which s/he prefers.

Hover over or hands-on?

Sometimes Reiki practitioners will "hover" the hands above the body, and there is much debate as to the effectiveness of this method. Sometimes this method is necessary due to exposed underlying tissue. In all other situations, I prefer hands-on.

Why hands-on? Several reasons come to mind; two come to fore: one for the receiver, one for the practitioner:

When hands are applied directly, the receiver tends to sense more (physically feel, have insights, revelations...). As for the practitioner: if the area requires a considerable time in treatment, the arms of hovering hands can undergo stress from holding the hands above the body for so long.

How long do I keep hands on?

Until it's done. How do you know it's done? Each Reiki practitioner has his/her own way of knowing, and they describe their cues (physical and psychic sensations) in different ways. Reiki works with you and teaches you as you work. The more Reiki you do, the more you know. This is an inner knowing which comes with time and with practice.

In over two decades of delivering Reiki instruction, I have learned to articulate and demonstrate one effective manner of "knowing when it's done." To learn this method, to learn Reiki, or if you have other things you'd like to ask or discuss, feel free to contact Reiki's Angels: [email protected].

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    Claire Born, 5th Generation Reiki Master, prepares her students to practice Reiki for life. Promoting wellness in yourself and in others, you will be able to use Reiki anytime, anywhere, for as long as you live. As a Reiki Practitioner, you will act as a conduit for Life Energy to clear, revitalize and invigorate you as well as whomever or whatever you touch, anytime, anywhere. Anyone can learn Reiki; it is especially helpful to health practitioners to be vitalized (rather than drained) after body-work sessions.


    May 2012


    Natural Modalities